The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade Became Known as the World Trade Organization

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was a treaty developed in the aftermath of World War II to promote free trade and reduce economic barriers among participating nations. Over the years, GATT evolved into the World Trade Organization (WTO), which is now the foremost authority on international trade and commerce.

The creation of the WTO was largely due to a need for a more structured and comprehensive approach to global trade regulations. GATT had been successful in reducing tariffs and increasing trade between member countries, but by the 1980s, it became clear that a more comprehensive framework was required to address new challenges such as intellectual property rights, services, and investment.

In 1995, the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations concluded with the establishment of the WTO. The WTO consolidated and extended the functions of GATT, and added new provisions to cover areas such as services, intellectual property, and dispute settlement.

The WTO has 164 member countries, and its mandate is to promote free and fair trade by setting and enforcing rules governing international trade. The organization also provides a platform for member states to negotiate trade agreements and resolve trade disputes.

One of the key principles of the WTO is that trade should be conducted on a non-discriminatory basis. This means that countries should not be allowed to discriminate against foreign products or services in favor of their own. The WTO also encourages transparency and predictability in trade relations by requiring members to notify the organization of any trade measures they intend to implement.

The role of the WTO in global trade has been a subject of debate and controversy. Some critics argue that the organization is biased towards developed countries and that its rules and regulations are too complex and difficult for developing countries to navigate. Others argue that the WTO has been successful in liberalizing trade and promoting economic growth, particularly in countries that have embraced globalization.

In conclusion, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was a significant step towards promoting free trade and reducing economic barriers among participating nations. Its evolution into the World Trade Organization has provided a comprehensive framework for global trade regulations and has helped to promote free and fair trade. While the WTO has faced criticism and controversy, its role in shaping the global economy remains an important one.